Thursday, September 13, 2018

How To Get Rid Of Big Pimples - Get Rid Of Red Pimples

How to get rid of big pimples - We all struggle with wake up one morning and there is a big pimple on your face or anywhere on your body.

How To Get Rid Of Big Pimples - Get Rid Of Red Pimples

How i dry out pimple, i wash my face with facial cleanser morning and evening.

Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Red Pimples

1. Use Facial Cleanser -wash your face morning and evening before makeup or after makeup,during shower time or bath time,when you wake up in the morning.this will help reduce the chances of you having big pimple.

2. Your diet -  Diet play a big part in your skin. eating junk foods or unhealthy foods can cause big pimple to appear on your vegetables and fruits and avoid sugary foods.

3. Exercise daily - Exercise can help clear your skin. exercising regularly and drinking a lot of water will help to eliminate toxins from your body

4. Use fragrance free products -  some people have sensitive skin and are unaware why they get pimple on their could be the product you are using. stopping the product can clear your pimple.

5.Eat fresh neem leaves or fresh - This will help your skin. neem leaves is mostly use to treat viral viruses. neem leaves moisturize the skin and keep it supple.neem leaves can cure any kind of skin infections.

6. Apply fresh lemon juice and wash after 5 minutes with warm water - Lemon is commonly used to treat different skin problems.lemon can help you with weight, bowel movement and more.drink lemon also gives you strength,it helps with digestion.

7. Use ice cube - wrap ice cube in wash cloth and press it on your pimple.the goal is to surpress the pimple. it also will help take away any pain if you have any.

8. Tea tree oil - use tea tree oil to treat your pimple, rub it on your pimple and leave it on for good 20 minute.take a cotton ball and rub off the tea tree oil.

9.Aloe veral gel - Take half a teaspoon of aloe veral gel crush 2 or 3 mint leave and mix it together, rub it on your pimple and leave it there overnight.

you can get rid of big pimples from the inside, meaning your diet is one of the main causes of big pimples also your menstrual period can bring out one big pimple but mostly go away after your period ends.

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